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I still have quite a bit of purple knit fabric leftover from my other projects… so this ruched fabric flower seemed like a good idea and a great hair accessory to match my other purple garments =)


Simple gathered stitches produce this beautiful flower.


  • Fabric scrap (I used a piece which is 8cm x 48 cm; but any size can be used, as long as the length is 6 times the width)
  • Safety pin
  • Matching thread


These steps were adapted from the tutorial by Rose Rushbrooke.

  1. Lay the fabric wrong side up, and fold the raw edges toward the middle (lengthwise); pin in place. This picture shows a segment of the fabric strip.
  2. Flip the fabric over, and using pencil/chalk, draw 6 zigzags on the front of the fabric. The zigzags should have 90 degree angle corners. Sew along the zigzag lines, pulling the thread taunt to gather the fabric.
  3. Arrange the fabric in the shape of a flower, and make stitches to secure the overlapped ends and create the shape of the flower. Sew a safety pin onto the back. I like sewing safety pins onto the back of flowers, as the safety pin allows the flower to be pinned onto clothing, and also a hair clip can easily be slid onto the safety pin to pin into my hair.



Although I love pretty things (eg. flowers, crafts, ribbons, anything shiny)… sometimes I do find myself getting a bit too obsessed over them and spending too much time browsing ideas or planning future projects. It’s in these times that God reminds me of my priorities. Though these pretty things will one day become tattered or grow out of style, there are some things that will not fade away: God’s love, His Word, and the work of character that He seeks to build in me. Thus I am reminded to set my heart on the important and the eternal, rather than let all my energy and time be consumed by what is temporal and trivial.

The grass withers and the flowers fall, but the word of our God stands forever. ~Isaiah 40:8

Soli Deo Gloria